Normalpreis: 39,99 €
Erscheinungsdatum: 14.10.2021


Will you be the last survivor on the island?

14 survivors gathered on an isolated island in the middle of the sea…
A survival and strategy game in an idyllic atmosphere…
A famous TV show airing to millions of viewers every year…

Koh-Lanta is a challenging game which will put the players skills under pressure: life on an island is not a walk in the park, and each day will bring its amount of surprises.
Manage your daily life on the camp, have success in solo and team trials… and keep up the good relationships with the other survivors until the end to be the last one standing!

But be careful: if your body or morale gets exhausted, or if your fellow survivors vote for you on a council night… game is over!


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Add-Ons zum Spiel

Koh-Lanta: The Return Of The Adventurers