Normalpreis: 1,99 €
Erscheinungsdatum: 22.09.2022

Koh-Lanta: The Return Of The Adventurers

Explore a desert island where your survival and social instincts will be your only hope…

12 adventurers will need to fight their fears and gather their strengths to win the final prize!

It's not only about winning physical trials: you also have to cope with your fellow castaways and make your way through the diplomatic relationships in the tribe.

While doing some chores to make te tribe camp subsist by managing some key resources such as wood, water and food, you must keep your energy for the solo and team trials and the negotiations with your teammates.

Because your biggest fear, on the Koh-Lanta island, is to be voted out during the team Councils! Find the immunity idol, or get well with your mates to get off the hook!


- Become the ultimate adventurer by living the life of a castaway on a desert island and facing challenging trials!

- WIN THE CONFORT AND IMMUNITY TRIALS: you will then be able to save your stamina, have a protection for the Councils and reach the final trials!

- LIVE THE LIFE OF A CASTAWAY: by finding precious resources on the island, you can get some food and water, improve life on the camp and preserve your reputation in the tribe.

- Create strong relationships with the others, elaborate strategies to eliminate weak or threatening elements but be careful: should you not be cautious enough, YOU could be the one to be voted out!


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