Normalpreis: 28,99 €
Erscheinungsdatum: 21.04.2023

Family Games Bundle (40% off)

Are you looking for some fun and educational games for your family? Look no further than the Family Games Bundle, a collection of four amazing games that will keep you and your kids entertained for hours.
Whether you want to learn new skills, relive the classics, compete in sports, or explore ancient myths, this bundle has something for everyone.
All games run at 4K@120FPS at Xbox X|S, Windows and at 4K@60FPS at Xbox One.
And for a limited time, you can get all four games for 40% off the regular price!

The Family Games Bundle includes:

- Educational Games for Kids: A game that teaches kids math, reflex, logic, geography, memory and more in a fun and interactive way.
- Classic Snake Adventures: A modern reboot of the old classic snake game, with stunning graphics, smooth controls, and challenging levels.
- Crazy Athletics - Summer Sports and Games: A game that lets you compete in various summer sports and games, such as running, swimming, diving, jumps plus local multiplayer.
- Zeus Quest - The Rebirth of Earth: A hilarious point and click adventure game that takes you on a journey through Greek mythology and scifi.

Don't miss this opportunity to get four awesome games for one low price. Order the Family Games Bundle today and enjoy hours of family fun!


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