Normalpreis: 4,99 €
Erscheinungsdatum: 16.04.2020

Crash 'n the Boys Street Challenge

Crash ’n the Boys Street Challenge for NES,
the unconventional Olympics game gets its revival!!

Coming from the city of Springhill,
Crash and his friends have chosen to take on Todd's sports challenge,
but for the 5 entering teams, the trials aren't your usual athletic disciplines.
Pole vault is used to jump between buildings rooftops,
golf is played with a throwing hammer, the 400m hurdle allows
your opponents anything to further hinder your performance!!
Come on and show Todd the spirit of Springhill's sportsmen!

*Only the original graphics version is available in this edition.
The quality-up graphics version is not included in this edition.

This game does not support online play with "Kunio-kun: The World Classics Collection" (sold separately).
Online play is only possible between players of this game.


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