Normalpreis: 16,99 €
Erscheinungsdatum: 30.01.2020


The story takes place in the development offices of a software company, ""Awesome Rainbow Corp"". Trouble arises just as you're gearing up to release the final version of the game! Many mysterious bugs are occurring, and time is running out!

To deal with this situation, a programmer, Stella, whips up a debug program: ""CODE SHIFTER"".
""CODE SHIFTER"" will let Stella's avatar ""Sera"" dive into the game and start fixing things up.
Will Stella and her coworkers be able to find the origin of these bugs and deliver the game before the launch date?"

■Original style with a retro twist!
Enjoy the delightful graphics from titles past and present remixed with 2D watercolor and 8-bit pixel art.

■Game system
Players will explore the stage while transforming into various characters from different IPs created by Arc System Works!
Successfully adapt and complete all stages using a large volume of 30 playable characters animated in 8-bit!

Take a break from debugging with a comedic story between the ARC staff Stella, Mozzie, Rudy, Hudson, and Greig.

■Arc System Works crossover
This game is a 2D 8-bit action game where various IPs created by Arc System Works crossover, players explore the stage while transforming into various characters animated in 8-bit. The IPs included in this game are all 25 titles of Arc System Works' massive library! A large volume of 30 playable characters and 70 support characters are featured. A dream crossover between IPs are finally here!

■Brawl fighting action mode
In addition, the 4-player brawl fighting action ""Colorful Fighters"" is also included as an extra feature!


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