Erscheinungsdatum: 05.01.2023

100% off Bundle: Minion Masters + Furry Fury DLC

Get the new $15 Furry Fury DLC at a -100% Discount!
Minion Masters is free to play, and for just this week you can get the DLC as well.

The Furry Fury DLC is a great +300% value bundle to unleash the fury of the Cold North on your enemies! including the legendary Fergus Flagon Fighter! It also gives you a headstart in the Season Pass.

Snow Wall Arena
Ravager (Master)
Gray Wolf Ravager Master Skin
3x Fergus Flagon Fighter (Legendary card)
5x Mountain Gale (Supreme card)
20x Adventure Party
40x Wild Stonebjorn
5x Power Tokens (Get 5 extra random surprises)
3x Season Pass Tiers

Embrace your inner beast with Ravager. Use Ravager and his friends BRUTUS and TERROR BRUTUS to make crushing attacks. Support Ravager’s attacks with sturdy Stoutheart to make unstoppable pushes. The pack also includes the custom arena Snow Wall which is the perfect setting to unleash the fury of the north!


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