Normalpreis: 39,99 €
Erscheinungsdatum: 13.12.2022

Enlisted - "Battle of Tunisia": "Desert warriors" Bundle

This bundle includes:

- "Battle of Tunisia": Owen Mk 1 Squad;
- "Battle of Tunisia": ERMA EMP 36 Squad;
- 400 Gold.

When purchasing this pack, you will acquire a premium squad of the 9th Infantry Division of the 2/24th Battalion for the Australian Forces in the Tunisia campaign. The division was formed in 1940. After completing its initial training, the division was sent to Cyrenaica in Libya in early March 1941. It took action in Siege of Tobruk, Battles of El Alamein and continues to participate in North Africa campaign.

The squad consists of 4 soldiers of the “Assaulter” class, equipped with Owen Mk 1 submachine guns (unique weapon, that is available for this squad only) and 1 soldier of the "Engineer" class.

When purchasing this pack, you will acquire a premium squad of the 999th Light Africa Division of the 963h Infantry Regimentfor the Wermacht Forces in the Tunisia campaign. The division was formed on February 2, 1943 in France on the basis of the 999th Light African Brigade, and is a penal battalion. Most of the soldiers of the penal unit got there because they did not adhere to or did not share the military ideology of the Wehrmacht. The division arrived in Tunisia in March 1943 to participate in the Battle of Tunisia.

The squad consists of 4 soldiers of the “Assaulter” class, equipped with ERMA EMP 36 submachine guns (unique weapon, that is available for this squad only) and 1 soldier of the "Engineer" class.


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