Normalpreis: 59,99 €
Erscheinungsdatum: 13.12.2022

Enlisted - "Battle for Moscow": "High Caliber" Bundle

This bundle includes:

- "Battle of Moscow" - MG 42 early Squad;
- "Battle of Moscow" - Fedorov MG Squad;
- 600 Gold.

When purchasing this pack, you will acquire a premium squad of the 2nd Panzer Division of the 4th Panzergrenadier Regiment for the Wermacht Forces in the Moscow campaign. The division was formed in August 1939. It took part in invasion of Poland, invasion of Greece and Operation Barbarossa. Since september 1941, the division is in the spearhead of Operation Typhoon aiming at the capture of Moscow.

The squad consists of 3 soldiers of the “Gunner” class, equipped with MG 42 early machine guns (unique weapon, that is available for this squad only) and 2 soldiers of the "Engineer" class. The engineers of this squad are able to build a new type of building - heavy machine guns.

When purchasing this pack, you will acquire a premium squad of the 7th Guards Infantry Division of the 26th Guards Infantry Regiment for the USSR Forces in the Moscow campaign. The division was originally formed in July 1925 as the 64th Rifle Division. It took part in the Polish campaign in 1939. Since September 1941, it has been actively participating in the Battle for Moscow.

The squad consists of 3 soldiers of the “Gunner” class, equipped with Fedorov MG machine guns (unique weapon, that is available for this squad only) and 2 soldiers of the "Engineer" class.


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