Normalpreis: 12,49 €
Erscheinungsdatum: 21.03.2025


Ready to have some fun?
This bundle includes the XBOX ONE, XBOX SERIES S/X and WINDOWS versions of the BREAKING BRICKS game.

Get ready to experience the thrill of BREAKING BRICKS, an addictive arcade game that will captivate players of all ages. With 40 challenging levels, you’ll have fun breaking bricks and progressing to new stages. The goal of BREAKING BRICKS is simple: use your skill and quick reflexes to destroy all the blocks on the screen. But it won’t be as easy as it sounds! As you progress through the levels, the blocks become more difficult, requiring clever strategies to overcome each challenge. What really sets BREAKING BRICKS apart are the exciting power-ups you’ll discover throughout the game. These power-ups range from extra balls to multiply your score to powerful weapons that destroy multiple blocks at once. Each power-up adds an extra layer of excitement and strategy, keeping you on your toes and hungry for more. With its fast-paced action and intuitive controls, BREAKING BRICKS delivers an engaging experience from start to finish. Each level provides a sense of accomplishment as you progress.


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