Rage Of The Dragons NEO
Get ready for the fury!
Rage of the Dragons brings back the adrenaline of 2D battles with refined gameplay, charismatic characters and a dual combat system that demands strategy and precision. In this game, every blow counts and every decision can be the difference between victory and defeat.
Rage of the Dragons NEO is a updated version of Rage of the Dragons, released in 2002 for arcades. It was a unique and innovative game, mainly due to its highly praised visuals and technical aspects at the time. With beautiful scenery and animations, incredible moves and an acclaimed soundtrack, it's a must-have for any fighting game lover.
Famous for being very challenging, Rage of the Dragons NEO is based on tag team battles where the player uses two characters, controlling one at a time, being able to alternate them during combat, and being able to use both at the same time to perform unique special moves.
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