FPV Simulator
FPV Simulator is a first person view racing drone simulator for beginners to advanced pilots.
If you are total beginner pilot you can complete the flight school which teaches you the fundamental fpv drone racing gates and controls. Predefined settings help you to get into the world of FPV Racing. Take one step at a time and start with beginner mode. After you get comfortable with the controls, get to the next level with the intermediate mode and finally advance to the pro mode which unlocks the full potential of FPV like freestyle and fast racing. Setup your stick sensitivity in the settings tab and use from predefined values to create your customized stick setup. Two game modes are included namely the Time Trial mode where you try to beat your last best time and free flight mode where you can fly around and do some freestyle tricks or other stuff.
Enter the world of FPV racing and feel the rush of flying a racing drone in first person view without the fear of crashing.
Features :
- Flight school with 7 tutorials
- 6 Time trial race tracks
- 6 Free flight tracks
- 3 Predefined drone settings
- Fully variable drone axis rates
- 4 Predefined stick sensitivity for each axis
** Only non stabilized flight modes available, Keep in mind piloting a FPV Drone needs a lot of practice and is not an easy task as you have to move both joysticks at the same time.
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