Normalpreis: 13,49 €
Erscheinungsdatum: 06.11.2024

Bundle - Pyramid Platformer - The Gem Heist

This package contains two versions:
- Pyramid Platformer - The Gem Heist (XBOX)
- Pyramid Platformer - The Gem Heist (Series X|S)
- Pyramid Platformer - The Gem Heist (Windows)

The gamescore is achieved separately, that is, for each version you will earn an exclusive gamescore.

About the game:

Enter the mysterious world of pyramids in this challenging 2D pixel art game. In Pyramid Platformer - The Gem Heist, you control a brave adventurer on a mission to complete 40 levels filled with traps and obstacles. With increasing difficulty, you will learn new skills such as Double Jump and Dash, essential for conquering treacherous platforms.

Prepare to face dangers like sharp spikes, collapsing platforms, springboards that propel you upward, deadly spinning saws, and moving platforms, both horizontal and vertical. Your goal in each level is to collect three precious gems — pink, green, and blue — to unlock the path to the next challenge.

With simple mechanics and engaging design, Pyramid Platformer - The Gem Heist offers a challenging and satisfying experience, perfect for those who love overcoming obstacles. Jump, run, and collect gems in this journey full of mystery and adventure at the heart of an ancient pyramid.


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