Normalpreis: 52,49 €
Erscheinungsdatum: 21.10.2024

Old School Vibes Bundle

In this Bundle, you will find our Xbox and Windows games.

Little Bear: a brave little bear who ventures through a fantasy world in search of honey for his family.

Slime Ranger: You are on a quest to find and defeat the Slime King. With a limited movement, you need to think carefully about every step until you reach the door.

Sunbeam Feast: Sunny is a creature that loves Sun Fruit. Sunbeam Feast is inspired by classic precision platformers with many challenges and increasing difficulty.

Dark Elven Legacy: Elynar, the most skilled archer among the elves, was summoned for a sacred mission: to recover the ancient relics of her people, which contained the Sacred Scriptures of Wisdom and Kindness.

Ducky Dash: a tribute to the golden age of portable games, with its charming monochromatic green palette and a retro soundtrack that brings back the nostalgia of the classics.

Mr. T-Shirt: a unique game full of adventures in a world of paper and doodles.


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