Normalpreis: 16,99 €
Erscheinungsdatum: 05.09.2024

Paper Ghost Stories: Third Eye Open

Third Eye Open is a coming of age story about a young girl with the ability to see spirits. Will this burgeoning power be a blessing or a curse? Will you be able to save your family and unravel the mystery at the heart of the adventure?

Her Power
You are Ting, a young girl who is able to see the spirits around her. You form a remarkable friendship with a young ghost, Xiu, who is seeking peace. Together you will face challenges from both the real and the spirit worlds, as you battle for your mind and morality and discover whether this power is a gift or a curse.

Her Journey
Spanning five pivotal years of Ting’s childhood, you will discover how her supernatural abilities make her different from her peers. Will you be able to come to terms with this power? Will you be able to help your family, friends and those lost souls along the way? Competing spirits will vie for Ting’s help, both guiding and misguiding you along the way, as they pursue their own conflicting agendas.

Her Fate
In order for Ting to unravel the mystery at the heart of the emotional journey you will need to navigate challenging conversations, save lost souls, solve compelling puzzles and stealthily avoid dark spirits and other threats. Ting will also need to contend with her own family, on the verge of falling apart… where she might be its only salvation.

A beautiful, cultural adventure
Third Eye Open is presented in a stunning, living "paper theatre" style, inspired by the Joss-Papercraft of Southeast Asia. From its activities and locations, to its characters and dialogue, the story is steeped in Malaysian tradition, culture and folklore. You’ll visit the Morning Markets, befriend an elderly monk, feast on Lok Lok and Nyonya Kuih at the Night Market, avoid the wandering spirits of the woods, and much more.

Third Eye Open is the next instalment of the award-winning Paper Ghost Stories series, which began with the short game "7PM". These creepy tales are inspired by Malaysian and Chinese myths and culture.


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