Zaccaria Pinball
Zaccaria was founded by three brothers (Marino, Franco, & Natale) and was the 3rd largest manufacturer of pinball machines in the world (behind Bally & Williams). They had created and produced more than 35 different pinball machines between 1974 and 1987.
- Space Shuttle table is playable totally free.
- All other pinball tables are in trial mode that means there is a score limit.
- High detailed Zaccaria pinball tables.
- Original table rules, sound effects and vocals.
- Breathtaking light and shadow effects.
- Very accurate and customizable physics and ball movements.
- Arcade and Simulation game modes.
- Custom game mode allows you to tweak pinball machine the way you like!
- Camera Editor to make camera views you prefer to.
- Various fixed and customizable camera views.
Zaccaria Pinball has tones of awesome customization features which affect to graphics and physics aspects of the game. As well as there is a camera editor.
Graphics Tweaks: Room Light, Metal FX, Particle FX, Dynamic Light, Reflection FX, Glow FX, Motion Blur, Lightmap, Colors
Physics Tweaks: Flipper Size, Playfield Tilt, Flipper Force, Ball Elasticity, Ball Friction, Slingshot Force, Bumper Force, Ball Velocity, Plunger Force, FLipper Tap Pass
Time Machine, Devil Riders, Locomotion, Pinball Champ '82, Pinball Champ, Farfalla, Blackbelt, Robot, Hot Wheels, Soccer Kings, Shooting the Rapids, Star God, Magic Castle, Earth Wind Fire, Clown, Future World, Fire Mountain, Space Shuttle, Winter Sports, Zankor, Pool Champion, Mexico '86, House of Diamonds, Mystic Star, Spooky, Star's Phoenix, Strike
Aerobatics, Circus, Combat, Moon Flight, Lucky Fruit, Universe, Supersonic, Cine Star, Wood's Queen, Nautilus, Red Show, Tropical, Granada, Top Hand
Shooting the Rapids 2016, Space Shuttle 2016, Combat 2016, Cicrus 2017, Earth Wind Fire 2017, House of Diamonds 2017, Spooky 2017, Farfalla 2017, Magic Castle 2017, Hot Wheels 2017, Zankor 2017, Locomotion 2018, Robot 2018, Pinball Champ 2018, Blackbelt 2018, Winter Sports 2018, Future World 2018, Nautilus 2018, Star's Phoenix 2018, Pool Champion 2018
Locomotion Retro, Devil Riders Retro, Pinball Champ Retro, Shooting the Rapids Retro, Farfalla Retro, Hot Wheels Retro, Space Shuttle Retro, Circus Retro, Combat Retro, House of Diamonds Retro, Earth Wind Fire Retro, Robot Retro, Blackbelt Retro, Soccer Kings Retro, Star God Retro
The Mummy, Aliens, Hippie, Fire Fighter, Speed King, Beast Master, Voyager, Wizard, Zombie, Caveman
Treasure - Completion of Campaign Mode
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