Car Mechanic Simulator
Car Mechanic Simulator challenges players to repair, paint, tune and drive cars. Find classic, unique cars in the new Barn Find module and Junkyard module.
Build and expand your repair service empire in this incredibly detailed and highly realistic simulation game, where attention to car detail is astonishing.
All this with new, photorealistic graphics. Featuring more cars (48), more tools (10+), more options and more parts (1000+) than ever before. It’s time to roll up your sleeves and get to work!
Car Mechanic Simulator also includes car auctions where old cars are available for resale or purchased for your collection. Game’s infinite number of randomly generated missions will keep you more than busy (and dirty).
Each mission offers its own unique challenge of varying difficulty and time constraints to meet. If additional and extra tools are needed, they available for purchase. You can eventually upgrade your garage to include specific equipment such as lacquer sprayer or a parts warehouse.
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