Normalpreis: 19,99 €
Erscheinungsdatum: 10.07.2024

Ogre Tale

Ogre Tale is a mission-completion type action role-playing game that combines an arcade-like swordplay action game and a hack-and-slash game with training elements.

Set in modern Japan, players take on the role of the "Onikko Three Sisters," descendants of a demon tribe, as they fight against demons. There are more than 50 missions, and you will be exterminating yokai in various regions of Japan.

In addition to the basic actions of attacking, jumping, dodging, normal attacks, and special moves, characters can perform a variety of actions by setting skills in weapon slots. The rarer the weapon, the more slots it has, so you can customize it to suit your play style by combining a variety of skills.

The game also supports online co-op play for up to three players, with six online missions to choose from.


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