Normalpreis: 11,99 €
Erscheinungsdatum: 29.02.2024

Jumbo Airport Story

Make your fledgling airport into a world-famous international landmark jam-packed with entertainment!

First build facilities such as Bistros and Bookstores to make visitors comfortable.
Satisfied customers make your airport more popular, and will attract even more visitors!

But the bigger your airport gets, the more tired visitors will be from walking around...
Still, never fear! Simply place seating like Benches and Sofas near facilities, and visitors will be able to rest up.
Oh, and don't forget Plants to soothe sore eyes!
Seeing nature is especially important in places like airports, don't you think?
So add some greenery to your airport scenery!

Keep on truckin' until you can hold fairs and make your airport even livelier!
You may even get some new visitors?!

Make enough money to buy your own airliners and devise flight plans.
Before long you'll be setting up regular flights!

Sign contracts with foreign airline companies and make your airport a global player!
Build up friendships with foreign cities and attract people from all over the world!

So what are you waiting for? Help passengers travel the world and live out their dreams today!


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