Normalpreis: 11,99 €
Erscheinungsdatum: 29.02.2024

Burger Bistro Story

Get ready to experience a new fast food sensation! Create your own diner and grill your way to success. Create different recipes and offer your patrons a truly customized experience!

Think outside the box and experiment in the kitchen. Replace your meat patty with a fish fillet and tartare sauce, or a bacon, lettuce, and egg combo. You're limited only by your imagination!

And the fun doesn't stop with burgers. Create menus for side dishes, drinks, and desserts to really capture the hearts of your customers!

Just don't let your popularity go to your head. You'll need to manage your staff and train them to improve their skills. Before you know it, you'll be offering world-class customer service even during the lunchtime rush!

Keep the cash flowing, and you'll be able to open extra branches of your restaurant. Can you handle running several stores at once? Will you crush your rivals and take their territory for yourself?

Open your restaurant today and take the food industry by storm!


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