Normalpreis: 11,99 €
Erscheinungsdatum: 01.02.2024

High Sea Saga DX

Well, shiver me timbers!

Riches of legend inhumed in secret sites across the world, savage monsters to thwart each turn of your trek, rival players looking to scuttle your ship--such maritime mayhem and more await on this finest of swashbuckling simulations!

You'll need a trusty team to surmount the odds, not to mention a vessel--so make sure you choose only the savviest of seadogs, and construct a jolly craft of true piratical proportions!

So all hands ahoy! With the billow of your dreams against the sails, embark on a saga of the high seas sure to keep that cutlass carving!


In this game, you put together a pirate crew and have adventures in unexplored lands.
Create your own ship, crew and base and set off into the uncharted seas!

▼Game Flow
First, hire crew at the tavern before going out on a quest.
There are crewmates with many different jobs available, so choose the ones you like best.

Complete quests to make new ones appear, and acquire a larger ship.
Then you can place a variety of facilities on the ship in any way you please.

Once you have a ship, you can set off in search of adventure.
Explore other islands and even discover new continents.


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