Normalpreis: 19,99 €
Erscheinungsdatum: 28.08.2023

A Perfect Day

In this interactive fiction game, you will revisit the 90s and play an elementary schoolboy who lacks the courage to give a card to his favorite classmate. In the endless loop of the last day of 1999, you find out the secrets of your classmates, your friends, your family, and help everyone to have their “perfect day”. You can also play mini-games on Gamicom, assemble your own 4WD, or go to the park to idle about all day... In short, it's all up to you to have a perfect day or not.

A New Way To Play
Explore a winding narrative, a puzzle bound by the shackles of time,
memories built into a serpentine labyrinth.
Inspired by the storytelling of Jorge Luis Borges,
adventure and truth await you in "A Perfect Day".

A Rich Story
Details in every corner and unique game systems express the inspired collective experience of Chinese youth at the turn of the century.

Complex Characters
"A Perfect Day" honors and affirms the legacy of visual novels.
Follow and come to know a diverse cast of characters,
then rewrite their stories.

Magical Realism - New Wave
Inspired by magical realism,
the style and structure of French New Wave films,
and the works of Truffaut, Tarantino, and Jia Zhangke.
A game, yes - but a story, first.

Experience Life Itself
This is your perfect day, yet perfect it will never be.
Go. Go back to them.
Go back to 1999.
Go back to that perfect day.


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