Normalpreis: 11,99 €
Erscheinungsdatum: 15.09.2023

Dungeon Village

Build a heroic hamlet that warriors and merchants can call home!

Welcome to an epic RPG world in which the town you build can grow from humble hamlet into a mecca for the land's most ambitious adventurers!

The enterprising warriors that stop by your blossoming burg will defeat monsters and earn you money.
Conquering dungeons and clearing out hordes of monsters will bag you loot to stock your shops.
And if your hamlet flourishes, adventurers will want to set up house and settle down!

Build training facilities like Combat Schools and Magic Labs to hone your heroic denizens' skills and boost your village's Popularity.
The more faces that flock to your cause, the bigger the baddies you can beat!

Fulfill certain conditions to rise in rank.
This improves the selection of products in shops and allows you to take on more advanced quests.

An all-new "Cauldron" feature also allows you to test your alchemic expertise.
Toss items obtained from quests or shops into the Cauldron and your armory might receive a rare addition.

No dungeon is too deep! Make your village the crown estate of this bold RPG narrative!


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