Normalpreis: 11,99 €
Erscheinungsdatum: 15.09.2023

Dream House Days DX

The house of your dreams is a dream no more!

You play both architect and landlord in this fanciful new sim, and it's up to you to furnish your ideal abode with anything from arcade games to saunas to convenience stores. Certain combinations can power up your rooms...and their rent. Put an HDTV and game console together to make a game room, or a grand piano and painting together to make a fine arts room!

Rise up the rankings of real estate fame and you might reel in some celebrity tenants, ranging from hit singers to soccer stars!

But there's more than just business at stake. Tenants will look to you for guidance on everything from romance to career choices. With your help, they just might tie the knot or land that dream job!

Build a dream home where dreams come true!


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