Normalpreis: 39,99 €
Erscheinungsdatum: 15.10.2021

The Good Life

■Welcome to Rainy Woods

Journalist Naomi Hayward is drowning in debt and is at the end of her rope. Having accepted a request from The Morning Bell newspaper to “uncover the mystery of a small English town”, Naomi finds herself far from her home in New York, in Rainy Woods. Upon beginning her investigation, Naomi – camera in hand – soon discovers an inexplicable phenomenon in which the townspeople transform into cats and dogs as night falls... Then, as just she’s looking into that particular mystery, a murder occurs... Join her as she attempts to reveal the truth about Rainy Woods.

■Solve mysteries as a human, a cat, or a dog!

Naomi herself eventually becomes able to transform into a cat or dog. Turn into a cat, and gain the ability to jump and climb all over town to explore; or transform into a dog, and use your acute sense of smell to track the town’s residents. Use your respective abilities as a human, cat, and dog wisely to more easily solve the various mysteries and incidents you’ll face.

■Take photos to earn money

As a journalist, Naomi is able to earn money by taking photos of Rainy Woods at the request of The Morning Bell and the town’s residents. Also, if she can manage to snap photos of whatever happens to be trending on social media site “Flamingo” and increase her number of followers, she just might be able to earn enough money to make life in this small town that much easier.

■Enjoy life in your new town

In Rainy Woods, as long as you’ve got the money, a free and easy life is yours to be enjoyed. Growing vegetables in your garden, brushing up on your culinary skills, exploring the plains, sharing a drink with your fellow townspeople at the local pub... Stay fed, get lots of sleep, keep yourself looking nice and clean, and enjoy daily life in Rainy Woods.

■Explore the vast and sprawling town of Rainy Woods

Rainy Woods is full of various spots, as well as an array of events just waiting to happen. Explore the areas around the town to unlock shrines and camping grounds, expand your field of mobility, and enjoy the comfortably open world. Hopping onto a sheep and riding around the hills is just so much fun!


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Add-Ons zum Spiel

The Good Life - Behind the secret of Rainy Woods