The Long Dark: Tales from the Far Territory
Deep along the spine of Great Bear tracks a steep mountain range that bisects the island.
This is the Far Range, an imposing wall of rock that stands vigilant over Great Bear’s priceless resource riches.
Over the decades, many have tried, few have succeeded to crack open the wealth within these rocks. And mysteries abound. Dark stories told around campfires, about abandoned mines and remote airfields that hold many secrets.
Now, with the aurora blazing across the sky, is the Far Territory ready to surrender its stories? Will you survive long enough to wrest any truths from the rocky grasp of this old, dark territory?
TALES FROM THE FAR TERRITORY is the first paid expansion pass for The Long Dark’s Survival Mode. Releasing in multiple Parts over the course of a 12-month campaign, TFTFT significantly adds to the world of Great Bear Island and the game’s core Survival foundation, with new Regions, new Gameplay, and new objective-based Tales.
The full Roadmap for the Expansion Pass will be available at in the lead-up to the December launch. Please keep in mind that features and content added to the Expansion are subject to development realities, and may change over time. For more information, please refer to the FAQ.
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