Rento Teams
Rento TEAMS will add allow you to play the game in 2 teams of 2, 2 teams of 3 and 4 teams of 4 people.
Teams can be played online or offline (in Pass To Play mode)
Robots are also team enabled so you can create online room and join a robot in it.
Key differences in Team games
- Money are common across teams
- Land properties are also common across teams
- If one of the team goes to jail and "jail rent" setting is OFF - the whole team does not receive rents while team member is in jail
- Teams are chosen by room creator
- Robots can join multiplayer team games
- When people trade across teams, they can choose which player of the team to send the offer to (if offer is rejected, player can try with a different member of the same team)
- When one player bankrupts, other player(s) from this team has one more roll (so if he is before start and cross it, he will get $200 which may save him from bankrupting)
- Game ends when other team(s) bankrupt and all players from winning team are the winners
Just like the deep board, this team feature is paid only if you want to create team games.
You can join team games for free in the main Rento game (but you have to wait until you see open team games).
Good luck team!
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