Normalpreis: 9,99 €
Erscheinungsdatum: 15.11.2023

Lake - Season's Greetings

Make this a December to remember! Lake: Season’s Greetings will take place during 1985’s holiday season, one year before the original Lake game. Players take on the role of Thomas Weiss, father to Lake’s protagonist Meredith Weiss. Changing the perspective from Meredith to her father, Thomas presents a new understanding of the relationship Meredith has with her parents for players to discover. Not only will players learn more about the familiar faces they have grown to love from the main story, but Season’s Greetings introduces five completely new characters to the town of Providence Oaks, each with their very own slice-of-life storylines. The DLC will also provide more insight into some unanswered questions that were teased in Lake. Following the ideals of the base game, Season’s Greetings will continue to focus on slice-of-life themes and relaxing vibes, this time embedded in a comfy holiday setting. So curl up with some hot cocoa and a copy of Season’s Greetings because it isn’t Christmas until Thomas Weiss has delivered the holiday cheer.


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